R Interactive Pte. Ltd.

Head office location
400 Orchard Road #15-05 Orchard Towers Singapore 238875

People cannot live alone. Therefore, we strive to help people all over the world.

Solving problems in daily life through the web.
Mastering technology and innovating the world through the Internet.
We are committed to developing a business that innovates the world, without seeking short-term profits.


What we do

  • Website production and management
  • Results-based advertising placement
  • System development and management
  • Development, delivery, provision, and management of the AI system "R-PLACE"
  • Development, delivery, provision, and management of the "R-FORM" service staff dispatch system
  • Development, delivery, provision, and management of "R-NET"
  • Development and provision of lock-opening technology
  • Development and provision of water supply repair technology


Press release

September 1, 2023

Announcement regarding the closure of R Interactive Pte. Ltd.'s branch office in Japan and relocation of the head office


March 1, 2023

New release of "R-NET," which aims to improve operational efficiency and information sharing between on-site staff and the back office


September 2, 2022

No phone calls required. "R-FORM," which uses AI to dispatch service staff, has been developed.


September 1, 2022

The AI system "R-PLACE" was developed to dispatch service staff locally based on 86 elements


Inquiries about our services

Company name

Department name

Name of contact person

Email address

Telephone number

Preferred contact information

Inquiry service

Key and Security Dispatch Service
R Interactive Co., Ltd.
Kagiya Co., Ltd.
Suido Co., Ltd.
Rescue Pte. Ltd.

Copyright (C) R Interactive Pte. Ltd. All Rights Reserved.